stand off

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stand off

更新时间:2024-06-25 01:38:36

英 [stænd ɔf]

美 [stænd ɔf]

stand off基本解释

疏远; 远离


  • 网络解释

1. 不逼抢:但有一点是肯定的,区域防守不盯人(zonal)和不逼抢(stand off)是一定的选择. 因为这两项会加大后场防守的混乱,容易产生空挡和造成失位也就是空位的出现. 虽说我关于防守理念有些变化,但我还是四后卫的忠实拥护者.


2. 凸點:space winding疏繞 | stand-off 凸點 | station 站別

3. 疏远:stand mute of malice 拒不答辩 | stand off 疏远 | stand on ceremony 客气

4. 托脚、底座间隙保持器:stand架 | stand-off托脚、底座间隙保持器 | standard标准

  • 临近词
A tense stand-off gripped Thailand.(拉紧疏远距离的泰国。)
After a long stand-off, a police Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team attempted to storm the bus but its members were held at bay by Mendoza, who police said used the hostages as human shields.(经过长时间的对峙,一只警方特警队(SWAT)试图冲进旅游车,但被门多萨压制住,警方说,门多萨将人质作为人体盾牌。)
With the economy declining and social discontent rising, a stand-off with the West might be tempting for Mr Putin's cabal-but ruinous for most Russians.(随着经济衰落、社会不满上升,与西方对峙对于普金来说可能是一个充满吸引力的的阴谋——但对大多数俄罗斯人来说则是毁灭性的。)
Will you please stand off?(请你站远一点好吗?)
But it could leave the Security Council split and make an end to the stand-off with Iran harder.(但是,这份协议已经使安理会意见分歧,而且要与伊朗结束僵局更加困难。)
The stand-off took place 75 miles south of a major naval base.(本次对峙事件发生在距某重要海军基地以南75英里的地方。)
The latency is based on the Late arrival stand off delay parameter.(延迟时间基于Latearrivalstandoffdelay参数。)
Yet now that the stalemate is resolved and the deal signed, uncertainty is still rife-because the polarisation that made the stand-off possible is as sharp as ever.(然而既然僵局被解决、协议签订,不确定性还是非常多的,因为使疏远的可能性的极化还是一如往昔凸显。)
Far more inexplicable is the decision to withdraw the Sentinel R.1 Airborne STand Off Radar (ASTOR) from service when it is' no longer required to support operations in Afghanistan '.(更令人费解的是让“哨兵”R.1机载远程雷达(ASTOR)在“不再需要支持在阿富汗的行动”时退出现役的决定。)
After a two-month stand-off the army moved in to clear the streets;50 people were killed in the resulting clashes.(泰国陆军与之对峙两月之后开始了清剿行动,有50人在一系列的冲突中丧生。)
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